e-mail: krauzluk@fel.cvut.cz
office: T2:B3:556
phone: +420 2 2435 2026
- Assistant professor
- Ph.D.: 2024, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Doctoral Thesis: Hyperspectral Imaging in VIS – IR
- Supervisor: Prof. Mgr. Petr Páta, Ph.D.
- Ing. (M.Sc.): 2019, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Diploma Thesis: Cloud Detection Based on Colour Space Information from All-sky Cameras
- Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Blažek, Ph.D.
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0959-4242
- Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-1258-2022
- Scopus ID: 57217145907
- Google Scholar: Lukáš Krauz
- ResearchGate: Lukáš Krauz
Research area:
- Imaging Photonics
- Image Processing
- Hyperspectral Imaging
- Applied Optics (BAB37APO)
- Imaging Photonics (B2M37OBFA)
- Image Technology (B2M37OBT, BE2M37OBT)
- Optical instrumentation (17PMBOPT)
Bachelor and Master Projects for students:
Topics exmaples: Hyperspectral imaging, Acousto-optics, Measurements and tests in the laser laboratory, Hypersepctral image processing, Machine learning for hyperspectral data, Hyperspectral data compression, All-sky imaging, Meteorological imaging, Astronomical imaging, etc.
All projects at https://intranet.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/semestralni-projekty.html?supervisor=krauzluk
If you are interested or cannot find a suitable topic, please contact me at my email (krauzluk@fel.cvut.cz).
Participation in projects:
- IRCAPOL – IR Polarization Camera and Acousto-Optic Tuneable Filter for Hyperspectral Imaging Development for LWIR Applications, European Space Agency (ESA).
- 2013 – 2025,
- Team member
- Meteor clusters: An evidence for fragmentation of meteoroids in interplanetary space, GA20-10907S – Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)
- 2020-2023
- Team member
- IAPETHOS-2 – Infrared Advanced Polarizer for Space and Other Applications – 2, European Space Agency (ESA).
- 2018 – 2021,
- Team member
- CALIOPE – Calomel-Based Thermal-Infrared Optical Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter Breadboarding, European Space Agency (ESA).
- 2018 – 2020,
- Team member
- SGS23/186/OHK3/3T/13 – Acquisition, processing, and display techniques for extended multidimensional imaging modalities, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
- 2023-2025,
- Team member
- SGS20/179/OHK3/3T/13 – Modern Optical Imaging Systems with Non-linear Point Spread Function and Advanced Algorithms for Image Data Processing, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
- 2020 – 2022,
- Proposer
- SGS18/141/OHK3/2T/13 – Analysis and advanced algorithms for ultra-wide imaging systems, Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
- 2018 – 2019,
- Team member
List of Publications:
- Mach, J., Krauz, L., Páta, P., & Halecký, M. (2024). Development of low-cost multifunctional robotic apparatus for high-throughput plant phenotyping. Smart Agricultural Technology, 9, 100654. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atech.2024.100654
- Bednář, J., Krauz, L., Páta, P., & Koten, P. (2023). Meteor cluster event indication in variable-length astronomical video sequences. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(2), 2710-2720. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1578
- Krauz, L.; Páta, P.; Kaiser, J. Assessing the Spectral Characteristics of Dye- and Pigment-Based Inkjet Prints by VNIR Hyperspectral Imaging. Sensors 2022, 22, 603. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22020603
- Krauz, L., Páta, P., Bednář, J., Klíma, M., & Janout, P. (2022). Broadband Wollaston prism with a large output beam separation based on mercurous halides. Optics Express, 30(26), 47388-47403. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.477544
- Krauz L.; Páta P.; Bednář J.; Klíma M. Quasi-collinear IR AOTF based on mercurous halide single crystals for spatio-spectral hyperspectral imaging. Optics Express 29, 12813-12832 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.420571
- Krauz, L.; Janout, P.; Blažek, M.; Páta, P. Assessing Cloud Segmentation in the Chromacity Diagram of All-Sky Images. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1902. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12111902